Hp Msa2012i Firmware
Oct 09, 2008 configurazione hp msa2012i storage presentation. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. HP Remote Graphics Software RGS; Archived Topics (Read Only). HP MSA2012i, virtual disk is offline; Search the Community. Turn on suggested results.
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Re: vSphere 4 and HP MSA2012i kcarlile Jun 10, 2009 3:14 PM ( in response to AntonVZhbankov ) Unfortunately, I don't think we have that option. Manuals or user guides for your. How does HP install software and gather data? For HP products a product number.
Hi gurus,Hp Msa2012i Firmware
I'm interested in buying my first SAN (iSCSI) for use with VMware vSphere. My company is small so cost is very important..Through various inquiries, it seems that the HP MSA2012i Server is a recommended choice.Can anyone give me more details on the server:
1) does it come with it's on SAN software or do I need to install one, ie. OpenFiler
2) I need an explanation on single controller versus dual controller.
3) I'm virtualizing Exchange and SQL primarly for clustering/redundancy, will regular SATA drives suffice or will SAS drives provide better performance given the price difference.