Node Js Php Serialize Data


NodeJS Module for working with PHP serialized data. In the most basic form, simply pass primitives, objects or arrays into the serialize method. Serializing data with Avro in node js. I would like to serialize data from a JSON object and send it throught the network with kafka as an end. I just need to. I want to deserialize data from php serialize array in node js I found in many questions use JSON.stringify() to serialize and for deserialize use JSON.parse but unable to do the same and not find. SeyZ / jsonapi-serializer. Pull requests 15. Projects 0 Wiki Insights Dismiss. JSON API Serializer. A Node.js framework agnostic library for (de)serializing your data to JSON. Calling the serialize method on the returned object will serialize your data (object or array) to a compliant JSONAPI document.

  1. Php Serialize Array
  2. Node Js Php Serialize Data Java
  3. Js Serialize Form
  4. Node Js Php Serialization Data
  5. Node Js Php Serialize Data Into Json

Parsing And Serializing Large Objects Using JSONStream In Node.js By Ben Nadel on. Instead of trying to serialize the entire record-set in one operation, we need to break the record-set apart and serialize the individual records. Managing Stream Back-Pressure During Asynchronous Tasks Using READABLE and DATA Events In Node.js.

Active4 years, 6 months ago

I am wondering how can I parse Array of JSON objects in NodeJS?

I want to post JSON array to the server, and be able to use the received array as a regualar JavaScript array.

Thanks in advance.

This is my front-end part that I am converting Array to String using stringify function

This my back-end part that I am trying to convert Array of JSON object to Array

This is Array that I am trying to sent to the server:

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3 Answers

In your app.js:

Then you can just use req.body to get the posted values:

In front-end, don't do any stringifying:

Vsevolod GolovizninVsevolod Goloviznin
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I'll try to explain this. First of all, you are crating a json string on the client.

Then on the server, you are doing the same again:

Then you parse the double stringifyed json string to a javascript object:

So now you actually have to parse it twice :). If you just stringify it on the server as you are now, and just call:

You will get a javascript object that you can access like this:

Have a look at this jsFiddle and open your developer tools. Look at the console when it runs and you will see where the problem is: example


You may actually send the JSON directly to server.

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And in node.js, use bodyParser.json to get it back.

By the way, do not use Array as variable name because Array represent the Array class used by JavaScript and your code has overwritten it.

Alex LauAlex Lau

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Active2 years, 8 months ago

First of all, I could not able to get clear definition of it from WikiPedia or even from serialize function in the PHP manual. I need to know some cases we need the term serialization and how things are going without it? In other word, Where you must need serialization and without it your code will be missing some important feature.

Jean-Rémy Revy
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5 Answers

What serialization is?

Serialization is objects encoding into other language.For example you have an array in PHP like this:

And then you want to store it in file or send to other application.

There are multiple choices of languages, but the idea is the same:That array has to be encoded (or translated) into text or bytes, that can be written to file or sent via network.For example, if you

you will get this:

Php Serialize Array

This is PHP's particular serializing format that PHP understands and it works vice versa so you are able to use it to deserialize objects. For example, you stored an array in file and you want it back in your code:

But you could choose another serialization format, for example, JSON.

will give you this:

Result that is not only easily saved, read by human eye or sent via network, but is understandable to almost every other language (Javascript, Java, C#, C++...)

ConclusionSerialization is object translation to other language, in case you want to store or share data.

Are there any situations, where you cannot do anything, but serialize it?

No. But serialization usually makes things easier.

Are JSON and PHP format the only possible formats?No, no, no and one more time no. There are plenty of formats.

  • XML which has successors like SOAP, WSDL, etc (those have particular purpose)
  • Bytes
  • ..
  • ..
  • ..
  • Your own formats (you can create your own format for serialization and use it, but that is a big thing to do and is not worth it, most of the time)

Hope I helped!

Dovydas NavickasDovydas Navickas

Serialization is the process of converting some in-memory object to another format that could be used to either store in a file or sent over the network. Deserialization is the inverse process meaning the actual object instance is restored from the given serialized representation of the object. This is very useful when communicating between various systems.

The serialization format could be either interoperable or non-interoperable. Interoperable formats (such as JSON, XML, ..) allow for serializing some object using a given platform and deserializing it using a different platform. For example with JSON you could use javascript to serialize the object and send it over the network to a PHP script that will deserialize the object and use it.

The serialize() PHP function uses an non-interoperable format. This means that only PHP could be used to both serialize and deserialize the object back.

You could use the json_encode and json_decode() functions in order to serialize/deserialize PHP objects using the JSON interoperable format.

Darin DimitrovDarin Dimitrov
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Serialization is the process of turning data (e.g. variables) into a representation such as a string, that can easily be written and read back from for example a file or the database.

Use cases? There are many, but generally it revolves around the idea of taking a complex, nested array or object and turning it into a simple string that can be saved and read later to retrieve the same structure. For example, provided you have in php:

Node Js Php Serialize Data Java

Instead of going through every array member individually and writing it one could just:

And the serialized array is ready to be written anywhere as a simple string, in such a way that retrieving this string again and doing unserialize() over it gets you the exact same array structure you had before. Yes, it's really that simple.

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I need to know some cases we need the term serialization and how things are going without it?

Serialization can become handy if you need to store complete structures (like an invoice with all associated data like customer address, sender address, product positions, tax caclulcations etc) that are only valid at a certain point in time.

All these data will change in the future, new tax regulations might come, the address of a customer changes, products go out of life. But still the invoice needs to be valid and stored.

This is possible with serialization. Like a snapshot. The object in memory are serialized into a (often like in PHP) binary form that can be just stored. It can be brought back to live later on (and in a different context). Like with this invoice example: In ten years, the data can still be read and the invoice object is the same as it was ten years earlier.

Js Serialize Form

In other word, Where you must need serialization and without it your code will be missing some important feature.

That was one example. It's not that you always needs that, but if things become more complex, serialization can be helpful.


Node Js Php Serialization Data

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Since you've tagged it with javascript, one kind of serialization could be form serialization.


Node Js Php Serialize Data Into Json

Here are the references for the jQuery and prototype.JS equivalents.

What they basically do is serialize form input values into comma-separated name-value pairs.

So considering an actual usage.

And you would probably do $GET['a'] to retrieve those values, I'm not familiar with PHP though.

Robin MabenRobin Maben
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